NCR Table of Contents What's new 1 Introduction 1 Corporate overview 2 Key executives 2 Sales organization 3 Target markets 3 AT&T/NCR sales organization 4 Indirect sales channel 5 Strategic goals 6 Major claims 6 Major product strategies 7 NCR product family overview 7 Competitive performance positioning 8 NCR System 3000 9 Hardware summary 9 Software strategy 12 Competitive sales strategies 16 HP 9000 strengths/criteria for HP win 18 NCR's 3000 perceived strengths versus HP 9000 20 Sales strategy summary 21 Quotes 23 Figures Low-end systems performance positioning 8 High-end systems performance positioning 8 Sample 3600 configuration 11 Open system status 30 Appendix Cost of ownership comparisons 1 Seven levels of computing 3 NCR System 3000 comparison 5 Migration plans to the NCR 3000 platform 7 AT&T 3B2 System comparison 10 AT&T StarServer System comparison 13 AT&T Series 7000 R3 System comparison 14 AT&T Series 7000 System comparison 14 NCR Tower System comparison 15 NCR I Series System comparison 16 NCR V Series System comparison 19 Figures AT&T/NCR product migration plan: software 7 AT&T/NCR product migration plan: hardware 8 AT&T/NCR system consolidation plan 8 Support Services 1 From Selling Against the Competition Competitive Binder, 5091-6465E, 9301 Associated files: ncrtoc.doc NCR Table of Contents